What are tags? #
Tags are labels that help organize and categorize data, such as customer information, based on specific traits, behaviors, or interactions. By using tags, you can easily segment and manage your audience. For example, tags can identify customer loyalty levels, preferences, or actions like “First Purchase” or “VIP Member.”
Moreover, tags can simplify the process of assigning rewards. When you tag customers based on their actions or loyalty milestones—such as “Gold Member” or “1000 Points”—you can automatically track and allocate rewards.
Add Tags #
Step 1: Select “Tags” from The Dashboard #
Step 2: Click “New Tags” #
Step 3: Enter the name of the new tag and create it. Once created, the tag can be used. #
How to use the tags #
1. Customers #
Go to Customers (CRM) > Click “Edit” for the customers you want to tag > In the Tags section, it will automatically display the tags you’ve created. Then, select the tag you want to apply.
2. Rewards #
After creating the name tags of the rewards, you need to enable the “Auto-assign to Customers with tags” (Go to Rewards (Loyalty Program) > Click “Edit” for the reward > In the configuration section, make your changes.)
Next, go to Customers (CRM), edit the customer, and add the reward tag. The customer will automatically receive all rewards associated with that tag.